CEP 870 Capstone Seminar 

Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads...

With the advent of technology and the age of information, the world's knowledge is at one's fingertips. Without a doubt, I am thankful I have the tools and ability to access to information that many others in the world cannot enjoy. If I wish to gain a little more understanding on a topic, there are several different avenues I can take that will lead to a positive and informative result. In my daily life I have the opportunities to conduct research using various search engines, watch an informative video online, tune in to a news broadcast, listen to a debate on a local radio station. There are dozens of ways to gain access to information that, at times, can become overwhelming and easy to get lost. The success of my future as a learner will depend greatly on my ability to focus energies on how to learn about a topic or skill in a way that analyzes and scrutinizes information and applies that knowledge appropriately.

When I first enrolled in this graduate program it seemed to fit into the natural order of my path as a teacher. Not only did I wish to improve my skills in the classroom, but I wanted to challenge the capabilities I thought I had developed as a learner. Were there ways I could learn better? Indeed, there were. Over the past three and a half years, many changes have occurred in my life and in the positions I have held as an educator. These changes have required me to adapt and learn quickly. With the world as it is today, I think possessing these two qualities have benefitted me greatly, and have allowed me to try news things with confidence and enthusiasm. 

More specifically to my endeavors as an educator, I'm committed to being a life-long learner. In the social science field of education, new information or interpretations seem to remain a constant. If I'm going to be a successful teacher in the classroom, I need to be able to quickly grasp these concepts so that I can stay somewhat ahead of the game with students and better guide and assist them in their learning. To my dismay, the truth of the matter is I will never be able to fully memorize or understand completely all of the facts and information in my field. But I feel if I am aware of this reality and am prepared to demonstrate to students how to learn and my willingness to learn along with them, I think those moments will leave a powerful impression.

While at times technology can be more of an annoyance than anything else, I am truly thankful I am living at a time when I have access to the such innovations as Wikipedia; a website whose aim it is to accumulate all the world's knowledge. With such tools at hand, it must be my responsibility as a teacher, student, citizen, human to take advantage of the opportunities available to become a catalyst for making the world a better place. My future as a learner is one that is dedicated to bettering myself, the people around me, and society as a whole.